Saturday 20 June 2009

Illness and Challanges

in the last blog i mentioned how i was caught up after being away and very busy oh that was a mistake

On the 6th June i spoke at InTune - Meltdown ministries conference for bands and musicians and we had a great time with 20 people from bands and those just curious learning more about what God wants for them

Over that weekend my son was ill then for the next week my wife was ill then to top it off i became seriously ill and I'm writing this while still in my sick bed

Throughout those 2 weeks my patience, strength and ability to cope has been stretched and tested majorly in fact apart from Facebook on my phone I've been nowhere near the Internet, my throat so bad i can no longer talk means that I've been unable to make any of the numerous phone calls i usually make and yet I'm not behind on anything bar sending out the prayer letter which will be done tomorrow

Sometimes we are so busy with being busy we forget that God is the one in charge and when we do things according to his time timetable we suddenly realise how much time we have to spare so the first challenge for you is how busy are you really

Secondly i recently be in communication with someone who has really challenged me - they asked me the question what was i preaching and was it in line with scripture - this is far from the normal questions i get about why i do what i do

this has been really healthy for me as it's challenged me to go back and look at what God first asked of me and where i and the ministry is now and going through all I've done over the past 2 years and seeing if we did it right by God or ourselves

now on the whole we got it right but it was good to check ourselves and isn't good at times for us all to check ourselves and whether what we are doing is in line with what God wants for us so that's the second challenge for you

so now I'm starting back online with the website updated and the prayer letter out tomorrow (21st June) also notes from InTune will be available soon so if you want a copy let me know

God bless


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