Saturday 9 August 2008

Prayer Trip Scot land round-up

Now I've recovered from the return journey i can let you know more about what happened during the last days in Scotland

I left you while i was having an easy day on the evening we met an interesting chap called Waddell who is a youth leader at a local church with a bit of a difference the church has about 19 regular attenders but the youth group can get up 150 kids on a really good night but an average of about 70 kids and they run on 3 different nights we look forward to seeing them on the SC prayer letter soon

On Thursday we we're in Edinburgh on the afternoon meeting with a networker (close as i can come to descibing him) called Paul and had an interesting conversation with him. On the evening we attended one of Rock & Roll Zombies gigs a fundraiser for Secta Rouge and we saw along with Secta some interesting bands and we hope to work with one or two of them in the future

Friday morning saw us on a bus on the way to Glasgow to met up with Stuart from Void Avoidance we spent time chatting and visiting different venues that VA use for their events

After a most relaxing train journey we meet up with Dave Williams from Meltdown for a meal and a chat and that was us done until the 16th when we join up with Micheal from GU and Vickie Simmons down in London

Bless you all

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